Captain America

Ok enough with sexual definitions for this man. They are disgusting & do not tell a new reader who Captain America is. Here goes accurate non sexual definition of this superhero. He is a fictional character in Marvel comic books. Joe Simon & Jack Kirby created him in Captain America Comics #1. Captain America was a patriotic supersoldier fighting Axis powers of World War II & Marvel's most popular character in WWII. Wears a costume with American flag motif & a nearly indestructible shield he throws at foes. Usually alter ego of Steve Rogers, a frail man enhanced by an serum to aid US in WWII. In 1945, he was trapped in ice & survived in suspended animation until revival in present day. He remains respected in his community & became long-time Avengers leader. First Marvel Comics hero with media outside comics with 1944 movie, Captain America. Been in other media,like the MCU portrayed by Chris Evans. No superhuman powers, but through Super-Soldier Serum & "Vita-Ray", he is at zenith of natural human potential. Rogers' body replenishes super-soldier serum; it remains. In canon, he's one of the best hand-to-hand combatants in Marvel Universe. Formula enhances all metabolic functions & prevents build-up of fatigue poisons in his muscles, for endurance far above an ordinary human. This causes extraordinary feats, like bench pressing 1200 lbs & running a mile in 73 seconds. Captain is resistant to hypnosis or gases which limit focus.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to Captain America. Some of the top words include: rectumizer, pizzacat, Keith Hatlak Jr., Spiderlam, Gravity Warrior, and 25 more.